“4NCI3NTS” is a pen and paper game designed and written by Max Sembill, it focuses on the exploration of no longer inhabited planets and looking for clues to unravel the mystery of the decline of the culture that lived there. It is played as a single-player game, a crowdfunding campaign will follow.

My part for “4NCI3NTS” focused both on illustration and graphic design. Max wanted the world of his game to be inspired by old school sci-fi illustrations and be less about technical advancements and more about mystique, magic and a certain kind of warmth and whimsy, even in the technical aspects like the space-ship and the triangle symbols the player needs to fill out.

My main focus was to combine the sci-fi aspect with old and faded log-books, to give the charm of something battered and used to the book and intrigue the player to learn more.

You can find the campaign and additional information over here: