Harvat is a puppet stop motion animation based on the sorbian folk tales about Krabat the Sorcerer. It was done as my bachelor thesis for costume and stage design. It deals with the cycle of life, death and rebirth seen through the lens of it's main protagonist. My main goal was to retell the story in a silent, poetic and quiet way, that allows the viewer to imagine what isn`t shown.

Meister Entwurf 02.jpeg.jpg
Krabat Entwurf 02.jpeg.jpeg.jpeg
Kantorka Entwurf 02.jpeg.jpg
Tonda Entwurf 02.jpeg.jpeg.jpg
Winterwelt freigestellthjhgj copy.jpg
Sommerwelt freigestSDSDFellt.jpg
Meisterkammer und Sommerwelt freigestellt copy.jpg