Originally this puppet and a simple dance animation were made 2023, I participated in the lovely dance challenge my friend Pattama Homrod hosted on instagram, every animator got the same dance move to animate and came up with their own puppet- or 2-d-animation, they were presented as one video compilation after on her instagram account, you can find the compilation here.

I chose to make this little moth puppet, it was done in a very short time frame, only her body and sensors were animatable, but I chose a face that was so nondescript and ambiguous that it could portray different emotions without actually changing.

The animation is rather rough due to time constraints, but it was a fun practice to both make a puppet and animate something small with it in a small time frame.

Since then i made another more complex animation with her in a mysterious world with a surreal twist and will use her for more clips set in the same strange landscape in the future. Both of the clips can be found below.